656 - Froakie
Type: Water

It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back. The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise take when attacked.

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She is Gea the Goodra, a girl as sweet as sugar, when she gets horny, she secretes a green slime.

the background is a picture of my bathroom hehehe

support me on Paypal, you can find me as Lola Gardy Blazyken, I love you all

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Doodle-a-Day Day 30
Today's Lobster Prompt:


The Ciraffe feeds on berries and leaves, which it secretes as paste into a seethrough gland on its neck. It then catches rain or waterfall water, turning it into a liquid to feed its young. Ciraffes are 'always tipsy'.

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336 - Seviper
Type: Poison

SEVIPER’s swordlike tail serves two purposes - it slashes foes and douses them with secreted poison. This POKéMON will not give up its long-running blood feud with ZANGOOSE.

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Mizutsune can secrete a peculiar foam that allows it to slide along the ground as it attacks its prey. It is as graceful as it is deadly.

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Green had some secrete talents, some of them are swimming, ice skating and dancing.

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283 - Surskit
Type: Bug/Water

From the tips of its feet, SURSKIT secretes an oil that enables it to walk on water as if it were skating. This POKéMON feeds on microscopic organisms in ponds and lakes.

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a prostitute who went by the name Roxie Carbon, she was pretty much the "boss" in that department. trans woman. stoic but a good (cough)actress in bed

her body secretes a pink acid that's melted her face and various other parts ;) and a parasite lives on her back

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235 - Smeargle
Type: Normal

The color of the mysterious fluid secreted from its tail is predetermined for each SMEARGLE.

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213 - Shuckle
Type: Bug/Rock

The fluid secreted by its toes carves holes in rocks for nesting and can be mixed with BERRIES to make a drink.

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Insectoid griphon - creatuanary day 15
They don’t feed on their nectar, for they are ruthless creatures. They stab their prey with their beak and secrete a substance that melts the inside of their victims that they later consume

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165 - Ledyba
Type: Bug/Flying

It is timid and clusters together with others. The fluid secreted by its feet indicates its location.

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13 - Weedle
Type: Bug/Poison

The barb on top of its head secretes a strong poison. It uses this toxic barb to protect itself.

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Have this weird parasite Death Blossom thresh. Lures prey either by his elegant pattern or the vanilla scent he secretes from his tendrils. https://t.co/qjqKHp1YNX

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656 - Froakie
Type: Water

It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back. The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise take when attacked.

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No. 44: Gloom
Weed Pokémon

It secretes a sticky, drool-like honey. Although sweet, it smells too repulsive to get very close.

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Hello there all! I got to be apart of a Christmas art trade with a bunch of other artists. It was sooo much fun!! I thought I would share the pieces I did.

Thank you Timothèe Chalamet for a beautiful pose

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