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I did the AI artist and did Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers wallpaper and got this!!!!!! It’s so pretty!!!!!

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Going through Shadowbringers again and I'm just thinkin' about Vauthry/Innocence.

I swear that reveal in MSQ was so much fun! Everyone in party chat hooting & hollering is one of my favorite memories!

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[ FFXIV ] Shadowbringers Au where everything is the same, but the final battle Keir fights Hades as a lightwarden- 👉👈

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really really rough concept of a lightwarden au for my other wol, Wheibrem.

Recently finished main-story shadowbringers on him so felt the need to put this concept into some sort of visual.

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EHEHEHE another Tesleen commission, this time by !!! Please take a look at their work sometime if you haven’t already! :D Thanks again dude!!

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Me, during shadowbringers: e'ry one like emet and eli but i shamefully like lahabreadboi

Me, as of yesterday: e'ry one here joining my bandwagon and liking Lahabread Daddy

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My brothers and sisters in Zodiark, we have been through some stuff, have we not? Hooo boy, Island Sanctuary cannot come quickly enough. Gonna retire and never come back! I've EARNED this! 😅


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Ooooh I found an old drawing of my WoL. I was a femra from heavensward -> shadowbringers. XD only started fanta-ing often when I got to endgame and discovered rp community. Now I’m back to femra as I focus more on gaming and quit rping 😤 will occassionally fanta to bunboi tho~

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My wol art from ffxiv from when I was in the middle of shadowbringers 😔

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e'li's journey throughout the various expansions 🥰

he was ABSOLUTELY FERAL by the time shadowbringers rolled around and has only recently chilled out LOL

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still thinking about shadowbringers

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Shadowbringers: “Ancient Lahabrea was a respected scholar and a pillar of the community.”

Ancient Lahabrea:

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The stars of Shadowbringers join our line up! We all know best boy G'raha is here to stay, but does anyone else hope that Ardbert will make another appearance again in the future...? 🥺 Just a passing whisper...

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Yay! I got Burashi up to 60 in her Red mage!, I dont think im gonna get her up to 70 to do all of shadowbringers (almost typed shadowlands😅) i'll just run around as my reaper instead!, would do gunblade but thats at 80 and op for quests 😅

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"You dare defy me? You, who begged me take this light? Very well then; as you raised me up, so I shall strike you down."

✨Bad end✨

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Some FF14 Shadowbringers art I'm working on :3

I got some flat color down now, all that's left is shading and fixing the lil details 💜

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the night is dark and full of terrors, but the daytime has even more

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