Day 5 Waffle.

She rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re better than
waffles, Matthias Helvar.”

A small smile curled the Fjerdan’s lips. “Let’s not say things
we don’t mean, my love.”

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Since I can’t get into my Instagram to post my Booktober for the day I may as well post on here..these are my booktober prompts so far..swipe for day 1 to day 4…#villainantibooktober

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As of this posting, "out of the forest into a home" by stillthestars on AO3 is complete!!
I’m trying not to ramble so I’ll just say: I don’t normally take commissions, but if you read this fic, you’ll understand why I made an exception.

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Day 2 Tea.

The Crows are having a tea party! Nina is eating, Matthias is learning about fun, Inej is on the highest spot, Kaz is scheming, Jesper is flirting and Wylan is blushing so it looks like a pretty usual day for them!

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It's the first day of October and you know what that means... Crowtober!

Day 1: Pumpkin
The Crows decided to have a pumpkin carving contest. No one is surprised when Inej wins.

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The Crows and the Hargreeves really have a lot in common!
Who are your favourites on both sides?
Mines are Wylan and Klaus ✨

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Project: SHIP-Tember 23

Listen... I just recently finished reading and and I am still emotional.

I love them all and I'm still crying...🥲

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What's Kaz's favourite colour? Favourite food? No one knows for sure

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“You’re our chemist, Wylan,” said Nina hopefully. “What do you think?”
Wylan shrugged. “Maybe. Not all poisons have an
Jesper snorted. “That’s why we call him Wylan Van

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I feel rather gloomy this week
And I hate it

So I'm gonna wrap up some random doodles🤷
There will be more if I'm not dead in the near future of course

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Kaz and Nina don't always get along but they sure are a lethal duo!

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