In 747.M41, the hive world of Corinthe is threatened by a xenos-infested SpaceHulk codified *Bringer of Sorrows*.

Dark Angels Strike Cruiser *Vengeful Blade* moves to intercept. Duty will fall to the Deathwing.

Mission Launch: September 2021

0 17

“Bit yer tellin me ye have yer ain spacehurlie.
Onie chance o a lift? I wiz feart tae row past ye swimmin til ‘e speakit tae me in Scots.” word a week

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With the remaining extracted, and the *Hunter of the Void* destroyed, the Strike Cruiser *Will of the Emperor* turns for Macragge. Honour has been done.

So ends this campaign. and - thank you sincerely. This tale will live forever.

1 18

The *Hunter of the Void* is collapsing amidst a chain of nuclear explosions. Swarms of Genestealers stalk the corridors, hunting the Terminator Squads as they race to their extraction point… the race is on!

1 27

++Incoming Vox++

++Brother Sgts , . This is Mission Command. Impending Plasma overload. Total destruction. Exit point identified. Thunderhawk dispatched. Commence immediate withdrawal. Make haste Brothers. ++

Tonight. It Ends…

0 22

i uploaded these 2 spacehey 4 shitz n gigglez
but i was experimenting on another style and winded making this ugly ass sonofaBICH

4 79

Since I'm evidently on a Sega kick lately here's a quick drawing I did of the Space Harrier dude. Welcome to the fantasy zone, I suppose

On a related note I hate shading shiny metal things

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++Incoming Vox++

++Brother Sgts , . This is Mission Command. Impending Plasma overload with total destruction. Exit point identified. Thunderhawk dispatched. Commence immediate withdrawal. Make haste Brothers. ++

25 June 2021

1 22

A doodle regarding @ reshirement (on Tumblr) spacehobbits!AU 💫 I recommend checking their posts out because the idea is so cool!!

2 11

Anyone starting up a virtual MOTHERSHIP RPG game I can get in on? Or is anyone interested in being my victims as I play warden in one? I need to get some experience on the system.

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