While we're on the subject, I'm also sick of edgelords who bitch moan about Batman not killing villains

Like Superman, he's a moral ideal to strive for. You don't get that, it's a problem with you.

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In order to show Clark (and Superman) why he’s wrong about Superman, they are going to go around talking to people on the ground. Every little story is about how these people were positively affected by Superman and love him unconditionally.

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I’m not the first one to find this one, but this type of dialogue resembles quite closely a talk between Superman, Supergirl, and Superboy in Superman: Grounded (specifically from Superman

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It's consistently more interesting when the character being depicted *isn't* Superman, but a twist on the character archetype. When the character *is* Superman, it almost inevitably wastes creative potential to go down a path of shock value in most cases.

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Superman, Lois Lane and Jon Kent by Kenneth Rocafort.

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Superman, Lois Lane and Jon Kent by Jorge Jimenez.

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I'm currently reworking my line up of the Justice League and have only a couple left. But as I am busy with other work for the weekend, I am going to post the finished designs in the meantime.

Starting with Superman, a slight 'remaster' of last year's spin.

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...disappointed that I didn’t put crossbones on Ghost Rider, for example, below that skull. It’s a good visual thing to draw the eye. It worked pretty well for Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and a few other characters. In this case, I just wanted something there, not just...

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si pero batfleck mata aun despues de perdonar a superman, ademas de su escena de "crecimiento" es la peor escena de las pelis de dc

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I often think about the alternate reality movies we never got. Like Nick Cage Superman, Edgar Wright Ant Man, or the infamous Sean Connery Gandalf but the ones I really wish we coulda got was more Richard Harris Dumbledore.

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Un tome très marquant et intéressant est le tome 6 "Origines Secrètes" (que j’ai malheureusement dû lire en digital car introuvable en papier…) car il retrace l’histoire de Superman, de son enfance à son statut de protecteur de Metropolis.

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I started largely with DC & Superman, Batman, JLA and Flash among my faves but became a true Marvel Fanboy with Spiderman as my all time favorite hero followed by Thor, X-Men & the FF.

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Superman Family: Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, Steel, and Power Girl 🙂

I got nothing new (I'm drawing new stuff tho hehe) so here's a repost 😅

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arte de Jason Fabok, y buena semana a tod!

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