750 - Mudsdale
Type: Ground

Its heavy, mud-covered kicks are its best means of attack, and it can reduce large trucks to scrap without breaking a sweat.

1 2

Burning through your nightmares!
X Fusion!
It lulls people and pokemon to sleep. On moonless nights, it makes them dream horrific nightmares that leave them in a burning sweat. The burning gets consumed by its flames.

1 5

Back in the day I could write thousands of words daily without breaking a sweat.

Nowadays I get half a page done and I'm like

0 9

Coles Phillips illustration used for a c1912 Naiad dress shield ad. Dress shields were placed below the underarms to protect dresses from sweat. And if you purchased a pair from this Naiad ad, you could receive a print of the illustration for just 10 cents more! Now thats a deal.

11 70

Just a derg breaking out a sweat.

29 150

Mega Zangoose - Upon Mega Evolution, stored venom left behind from previous fights with SEVIPER begin to seep into ZANGOOSE's bloodstream, acting as an unintentional steroid. Venom drips from its savage claws, bleeds through ZANGOOSE's scars and even permeates through its sweat.

9 33

Can robots sweat...?

22 204

Well, it sure took a while for me to draw something new, huh? Here's sporty Riko working up a sweat. You gotta get some exercise during Corona lockdowns and she's no slouch! She got a 'fat' comment, but she rebuked it instantly! Big boobs don't count, hehe.

0 9

Tried to sleep. Woke up growling at some unknown assailant in my dreams. Heart is going apeshit. Cold sweat. Welp. Gonna have some water and calm down before trying sleep again.

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Alternate versions. Just playing around with the coloring of sweat.

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Something for
They have been hitting the gym a lot and asked me to be their partner! Not exactly what I had in mind, but Im getting a lot of sweat.


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Next we have

Her art is super adorable. It amazes me that she can pump out so much art work and doesn't seem to break a sweat. Seeing her being so in love with fallershipping helped me to learn that it isn't bad to be self indulgent every once in a while :3

1 3

750 - Mudsdale
Type: Ground

Its heavy, mud-covered kicks are its best means of attack, and it can reduce large trucks to scrap without breaking a sweat.

0 3

I woke up last night in a cold sweat. Arceus himself appeared in my dreams and told me to redraw the artwork I crapped out 24 hours ago..

Anyway I learnt to draw ears

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Had to drop from the Delibird Dunk 2. Ended up with stomach pains and broke out in a sweat. Going to rest tonight

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is a nasty ‘Bold who’s misbehaved!
(Making a dragon horny during his video game times. Is not a good Kobold behavior!)
Guess the right punishment is to smother them.
(And cover them with sweat.)

11 54

750 - Mudsdale
Type: Ground

Its heavy, mud-covered kicks are its best means of attack, and it can reduce large trucks to scrap without breaking a sweat.

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