Thank for the chance! She's River,a mermaid and would probably dress as a sexy vampire (She already has teeth,and She can have legs). No spooky fact yet,I guess they would be spoliers (she's from the webcomic The Heart and the Abyss)

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Blue and Big teeth, Min the Monkey-Sona! /NF
If it helps, she’s based on the emperor tamarin!

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(Art by A.I.) Four winged bat with a fly head full of humongous teeth, Digital Art - See all 4 images or create your own on Web or PC:

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Raphs design in the show features many sharp angles and points, showing how dangerous he can be. With points on his arms, shell, teeth, ect. This is all making use of Triangle shape language. And triangles in designs make the viewer wary and worried, they portray danger.

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Bewitching Senna is gorgeous! Her gun has teeth, it looks bad ass, her hair is amazing, she has glasses- might be one of my new favorite skins alongside High Noon!! ❤️💚

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Mushroom waifu :)
Made this from like 3 prompts (Teeth, Mushroom, Candle)

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(Created by A.I.) bat with insect-like eyes, four wings and three incisor teeth, Digital Art - See all 4 images or create your own on Web or PC:

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(Art by A.I.) Four winged bat with a fly head full of humongous teeth, Digital Art - See all 4 images or create your own on Web or PC:

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Super stylized but why not 4/5
Face small and cute, face broad, hair floofy, white teeth, look at that smile

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I just woke up and brushed my teeth, so no eating sacrifices because you will taste like mint. Just give me a kiss on the lips and we'll call it even hmmmm? How about it?

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spot the difference between 👇👆
hint: 👃
aksjfsalf i was trying to imitate id:invaded's style

also this is so stupid but whenever i (privately) stream and have to afk, i make my WIPs do whatever i'm doing... brushing my teeth, eating afternoon tea etc. 🤣

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There's no doubt in my mind that making AI art is real art.

I spent about 1.5 hours tweaking things to produce these visuals. The ears, perfect bloody nightmare teeth, focus, eyes, shading, theme, reflections, clothes. It was a joy to achieve a result I couldn't have previously.

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乁( ˙ ω˙乁)
One day, vampire Chris picked up a dirty stray CAT and took it home to make a long-term blood bag.

After cleaning up and checking the teeth, it seems that the gender and species are mistaken: "WHY NOT A CAT? "

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Day22-Brush your teeth, please.

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I happen to like sharp teeth, but mostly cuz of my Jade obsession

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My "Excursion 1"
Beyond the wall;
scribble words inspired by;
back in the days when;
train rides rumbled across the hills; got the chills when the ink spilled; on paper’s teeth, revealing truth.
fed into

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"Zivka" (Dress) (Finished)

After Sara gives Zivka a bath, she fixes her hair into a ponytail and puts a dress on her; attempting to civilize the ancient Earth Goddess.

There's no hiding her Shark Teeth, Elf-Ears, and Glowing Yellow Eyes though.

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2 predators, 1 prey (both theropods hunt different growth stages of the same prey). Gourmands, with their impressive bite force (stronger than T. rex) and intelligence, Cutlasstooths with their saber teeth, and Lumbers with their huge size and neck scutes.

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