Let's raise money for this great cause today!!! Let's do it!!!
#jacksepticeye #jackthehalls #positivementalattitude
50% Off Bottle Openers, Bookmarks, Compact Mirrors, & Checkbook Covers at https://t.co/ZBtjXTtcbF! Use Code: DECKTHEHALLS #art #design #mardigras #cats #pets #animals #tiki #dinosaurs #werewolf #witch #blackcat #halloween #zazzle #zazzleartist #artistsontwitter
Until it was abolished by Henry VIII, it was custom at Christmas time for a choirboy from the local parish to be chosen to play the role of ‘Boy Bishop’. He would make a procession around the town blessing people #DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
88% of you were right! It’s FALSE! Many believe that after the Puritans banned
Christmas mid 17th century, Christmas wasn’t celebrated again
until Victorian times. The Georgians enjoyed a modest Christmas of good food
and dancing! #DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
The correct answer is The Human League! Don't You Want Me
Baby was at the top of the chart for 5 weeks in 1981. 'There's No One Quite
Like Grandma' by St Winifred's School Choir managed just two weeks :(
#DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
Here are some of the toys that might have been found under Christmas trees in the 1980s. How many can you name? #DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
A Wassail Bowl was a drink that would be drunk from a large communal bowl in Tudor times. It was a ritual to ensure a good cider apple harvest in the coming year. Imagine the floaters! #DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
A popular Georgian Christmas game was snap-dragon. Daring players would pluck almonds & raisons from a bowl of flaming brandy. ‘How was this fun?’ you might ask. Apparently the fun part was watching people’s faces as they burnt their fingers #DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
a whopping 80% of you got it wrong! The answer is Christmas pudding! The boozy treat so offended the Puritans that they banned them, as they feared the alcohol and fruit spices would intensify people’s passion #DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
Following the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, Elizabeth I’s first meal was goose. She ordered that everyone should eat goose for their Christmas meal as tribute to the English sailors who fought off the Armada #DeckTheHalls https://t.co/tmcnVNiFmN
Time to revisit Ray Bradbury’s Halloween Tree with @GrisGrimly’s gorgeous illustrations. #thehalloweentree
#香港迪士尼樂園度假區「#DisneyHalloweenTime」慶典載譽歸來!2018年9月13日到10月31日期間,樂園惡門大開!適逢今年是 迪士尼經典動畫《#怪誕城之夜》上映25週年,賓客可到樂園感受全新登場的 #詭魅體驗館「#怪誕城之旅」(#JournaytotheHalloweenTown)🎃!
Die Brüder Juan und Alejandro Mingarro - besser bekannt als @Brosmind - haben in diesem Jahr die Titelseite der Weihnachtsausgabe der @SZ illustriert #MerryChristmas2017 #deckthehalls #JoyToTheWorld
See more beautiful works by @LilChrzan till Jan 19 at Vancouver Municipal Hall!
#DailyArtists #Inspiration #MotivationMonday #ArtintheHall @WestVanDistrict
here are a couple things I drew for the stream! it was really fun to watch!! Oh there's still time to donate!! #jackthehalls #SaveTheChildren
#jackthehalls #overnightwatch @PolarisTweets thank you for allowing this amazing show of love and community to happen in the first place. i really, really love you all.
@kickthepj @Jack_Septic_Eye @CrankGameplays honestly, when you did all those poses during the stream, you all really reminded me of the Ginyu Force from DBZ #jackthehalls #overnightwatch #sorrynotsorry
fun streams for such a great cause! @Jack_Septic_Eye @emmablackery @kickthepj @pixlpit @CrankGameplays you did amazing, happy holidays yall 🎉
in case you didn't donate to @SavetheChildren yet, just click on https://t.co/efCh1ySJ3u & remember: any amount DOES count! #Jackthehalls
#jackthehalls literally so last minute but I loved jack crossing his legs so here I am
(forgot to whiten his teeth and I'm too lazy to fix)
#jackthehalls YO HO HO EVERYONE!!! The stream has been amazing! Sadly I cant donate but if you can please do! ❤️ @Jack_Septic_Eye