Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Dentist’s Day!

He will make any excuse to not go to the dentist! Barbara lures him by promising to make him his favorite dessert for dinner!

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Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Grammar Day!

He didn't know this because he's never made a mistake before! So interesting how he and I have so much in common!

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Like Karen, I bet you didn't know that today is considered World Book Day!

Karen (totally fictional character) also didn't know that, but also wants to write a book! About what, you may ask? Well... the dangers of NFTs!

EEK! 😬

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Like James I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Old Stuff Day!

That reminds him to hit up the attic this weekend and get rid of all that old crap he has in there! Time to make some room for some new tools!

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Like Peyton, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Pig Day!

She remembers reading about a celebrity who owned a pig once! If she were famous she'll get something like a French Poodle! Yeah, Kim would approve!

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Like Cesar, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Tooth Fairy Day!

He says he saw the Tooth Fairy one day! He punched himself in the mouth to knock out a tooth and placed it underneath his pillow. He's waiting!

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Pokemon Day!

Pokemon? WTF is that? Maybe she'll ask one of the neighborhood kids...

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Like Kyle, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Carpe Diem Day

He's heard the phrase before but doesn't remember from where. Oh yeah! It's like a famous music band from some European country!

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Clam Chowder Day!

What can make a great day even better? According to Robert, a warm bowl of clam chowder with Barbara's secret ingredient.

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Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Toast Day!

That's funny! I actually had TOAST this morning! Isn't that a coincidence?!? 😀

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Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Pink Day!

This is interesting... he actually looks great when he wears pink!

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Like Karen, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Single Tasking Day!

She's excited about this because she had a list of things to do today. So today she will only focus on one from the list: report NFT to the police!

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Like James, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Real Bread Day! In fact, it's actually considered the entire week!

James and me both agree on one thing. We prefer REAL bread over that fake sh!t!

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todayiswendy vs yerimiese 🐿🐢

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Like Peyton, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Handcuff Day!

She's trying to remember if she's ever had handcuffs on... hmm... OH... oh yeah 😏

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Like Cesar, I bet you didn't know that today is considered International Tug of War Day!

He wonders if the people at his gym know about this. If they don't, he'll challenge them all against him!

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Drink Wine Day!

I didn't know that! Barbara didn't know that. Now that she does, it kinda makes sense to have a little glass tonight!

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Like Kyle, I bet you didn't know that today is considered My Way Day!

He's a little confused because... according to him, it's always his way day? So what's the fuss about this?!?

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