After Woody has defeated by Lotso until faint after get hit by Strawberry Bazooka attack and he's gone with Abba.
And now, Xiao Chi come pick him up.

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While Woody to find Bo and he saw she has apparent death because of the villain using a power that can take her soul and make her suspended.
Don't worry, he will bring her soul back and bring her back

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Bara slinky from toystory
As if i havent drawn worser crap this week

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That Woody Pride (feat Ropey) from Mirrorverse as new DLC. That more like it.

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This picture from month ago has edited with Photos edit just give night color for this

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This gonna be so different inspiration from Toy Story 4 for Toy Story : Taken is Woody meet Gabby Gabby at the antique shop.

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This my first artwork of Disney Pixar Lightyear. This for new Toy Story AU for The Epic Adventure universe.

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This my Sketchtember artwork 2 years ago. And now, i recolor this artwork of sketchtember.

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Voici mon masque du mardi !
Tous les de ma collection sont dispos sur et pour chaque achat vous aurez une carte postale dédicacée en cadeau 🎁 💌

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This artwork i made years ago is i'm colored my artwork be like that.

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