画質 高画質

Day 4 of : Self Love

Sometimes that means you take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and accept the pieces that make you who are or at the very least, begin that conversation

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간만에 좋아하는거 잔뜩 그리니까 너무재밌다 🥹
메이가 아침에 헤어세팅하면 주크는 면도에 공들이지 않을까.. 멋드러지게 각잡고 모양잡아 놓은거 보면 나름대로.. 자기 수염을.. 아낄지도..? 아침마다 면도하는 주크보며 자기도 해보고싶어하는 메이짱

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우리 귀염둥이 락요정 메이데이, 나름 헤어스타일에 엄청 공들이지않을까?? 싶고~ 헤어세팅 어떻게 하는지도 궁금. 세팅하느라 늦어도 이젠 그러려니하며 묵묵히 기다려주는 주크도 보고싶다 ☺️

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We ended stream with art and then ! We revisited the Christmas versions of DJ, Sayu, Yinu and 1010.

Also the Christmas drawing feat. and is coming along smoothly so here's a cute pic of the progress.....

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이브와 주크가 좋게 헤어진건 아니지만 그래도 만나는동안 서로느꼈던 감정만큼은 진심이었으면 좋겠다고 생각중. 각자 아픈부분(주크는 소심한 성격, 이브는 피부색으로 인한 주위의 시선)하나씩 가지고 있었으니 그래도 서로 좋은영향을 끼쳤던 관계라 생각해요😌

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최근에 NSR을 플레이하고 완전 푹 빠져버렸습니다. 다들.. NSR을 꼭 해주십쇼 갓겜이니까..🥹🥹 메이데이랑 주크 입고있는 옷이랑 장갑까지 같이사서 하나씩 나눠입었다는 설정이 너무나도 깨알같고 귀여워서 죽겠다입니다. 옷 나누기전엔 저렇게 세트지않았을까..

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was spoken and you know me
Day 1: Childhood
I really like the hands painting in her old studio

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"Red light!" "Green light!"

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So new pokemon gen dropped and I saw Espathra and it reminded me of Eve for some untold reason

And why not
Why shouldn't I draw this silly idea

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I tried my hand at un-NSR-ing the captain himself.


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“Neon J Life Stages”

Yeah... I’m gonna try to do a life stage piece for all the NSR characters. This is fun :3

[Please use He/Him pronouns for Neon even when talking about his younger self]

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i think i drew the sketch of this in april? may? sometime like that. i don't know why i didn't finish it

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Soooo I made an NSR oc- meet Thalassa
(It’s two in the fucking morning brain why u no let me sleep-)

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