28 87

Just realized That Queen Nai has better ATK and DEF stats on def-stance than... Mordex, the tryhard furry xd

41 174

-Gato boludo 😗
-Gamer re tryhard hasta en bandori lmao
-Llevo falda pero es pa ventilar la wata 😩

0 1

Con lo que me he reído con la promo del Dying Light. Gracias por el directo ♥ Reyes tryhard ganadores👑

131 519

Se llama Marcia y tryhardea en los fighting games ?)

0 5

little companions scarakazu (*ノ∀`*)

kazuha as a littol ferret
and scaramouche as a (tryhard) tough fox

51 283

[AR56] 💪🐵 NUEVAS ALERTAS y Tryhardeando para tener una cuenta BRUTAL, despues unos Fornais 💪🐵

2 1

late night soundcloud drop, but im self conscious so be nice hehe.. let my tryhard indie girl voice bore u to sleep
(link in comments)

0 5

14. Are there any OCs you are neglecting?
OH JOHNNY MY BELOVED IM SO SORRY. I WENT TRYHARD ON YOUR APP AND THEN WENT DEAD SILENT IN APO I'M SO SORRY I'M SO SORRY. I got busy /w apps and then after they were done I just died. Maybe I'll slip you back in if I can... hmm

0 1

"How would you fix Halo Infinite?"
"You mean, besides getting rid of the coating system and giving dedicated ranked playlists so the tryhards can go fuck off and cry about the Mangler elsewhere?"

3 14

- Barbar
- Badword
- Kind with random co-op
- Can help u explore
- Greate guide in dragonspine
- "I hate specter"
- "Anj- gak bisa diem banget musuhnya"
- "Mau Diwuc"
- Spiral abyss tryhard
- Can't calm down if it hasn't been calmed down by Hori

0 0

It’s me

tryharding a Spanish project bc I can

1 5

Mille lieux sous le tryhard...

0 1


Merci à tous ceux qui ont suivi le process sur 4 lives et merci aux nombreux raid ❤ Je poste sous le tweet le process, 🥺 À bientôt pour de nouveaux streams tryhard !!

108 720

Never tryharding ever again

58 267

no its cause it was so mid anyone who played it felt how garbage and tryhard it was

0 2