Tööt! tulee taas! Kaikille luonnosta kiinnostuneille tarkoitetussa tapahtumassa tarkkaillaan tunnin ajan lintuja omalla pihalla tai muulla paikalla joko la 30.1. tai su 31.1. Ilmoita havainnot verkkolomakkeella: https://t.co/synG3Qoej2

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I dreamed I held you in my arms Human Zumassirah

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faves of 2020....dumasses

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"Breathe" 2020

My drawing "Breathe" has officially left my studio and is now part of the permanent collection of the University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMass Amherst.

I was invited by the museum to contribute a work of art to their upcoming

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(Actually my last Oc)
Veronica(left)-Likes shiny stuff, beats the shit out of anyone who gets on her nerves, and is a goblin/lizard hybrid.
Moriarty(right)-Professional dumass, sensitive as fuck, and is a vampire.

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Fee is great, and so is Planetes, you should watch it.

フィー船長 | umass https://t.co/zEcNUgFsoD

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(no soy yo pero es la doga te sirve?)
pueesss, Dogy seria 100x100 un gato que actúa como un perro xD (obvio). gato contraumass

tirame la pelotita que la busco jsjs seria un gato medio pelotudo

y el que quiera -guiño,guiño- https://t.co/Mn2TV1oXYp

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🌸✨Oi oi, eu faço uns cartoons c UMass colagens e pá
Se quiser, no insta tô como @/deboa_na_lagoaa ✨🌸

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jk its east quills a dumass


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Hey all, our charity stream starts @ 1 pm EST this Saturday! Here's all our participating streamers:

https://t.co/MH7J3cxgTG 1 pm - 6 pm
https://t.co/go6pnp6Gzv 6 pm - 9 pm
https://t.co/Nu6xhRg7xh 9 pm - 11:30 pm
https://t.co/SPnEbb3hMV 11:30 pm - 1 am

See you then!

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Charity stream for this Saturday from 1 pm - 1 am EST! https://t.co/i2gCp7I9GM

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I NEED YOUR HELP. I want to start making humassive versions of my pieces to brighten the world up a bit in these dark times. If you have a few coppers free to help with paint/materials etc then please at Andrew.com

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Maybe my tree dumass or my merman^^
Love your art btw!!!

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A commission for of her and her beloved

characters © littlestsiggy and dhumass
artwork © 2020 Alex Cockburn

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Hyllyy: Onko luettava hiljalleen loppumassa? Huoli pois, nimittäin Elfquestia on saatavilla ilmaiseksi ja laillisesti aivan törkeät määrät. Miten 40 vuotta vanha fantasiasarjis toimii? Hyvin toimii, erinomaista poikkeusolojen luettavaa! https://t.co/U1yUmbjBZU

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"Why is this happening"
"Why do I not want to stand up"
"Why does the snow suddenly feel so warm"
Drawing him sad pains me, but I am a dumass so I still do it ohoho
VILTEROL: https://t.co/B1LRvcwkXv
[February 5th 2020.]
drawn on mobile phone (w/SketchBookX)
layers: 3

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She giggles softly, "I did Mr. Dumass, thank you. How did you find success growing your potatoes?"

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