and becuase of that i'd just like to take a moment to remind y'all that I am open for commissions: and I take ko-fi donations for $5+ (ranging from headshot sketch to loose color work) examples below range from $12-30 in tip value!

3 3

I'm late! But here's another from The EXPLORER a new class that also marks the first time a Túath (think of obviously) become playable in one of the projects.

2 7

these were all done 1-2 weeks after i started learning can instantly see i learned how to incorporate value into the drawings! the proportions and angles might be weird and they're still really sketchy but VALUE!

0 2

Some more monster designs (as that's all I can think about lately, seemingly, 😅) from By the end of the game they start getting huge, lol

6 15

Haven't done anything for in a while. This was actually coming from a WIP I was focused on before VALUE! I will, at some point, properly introduce the project, I hope. 🤣

3 7

Art Fight!!! I'm on team Spice and I try to revenge every attack I get with a piece of equal value!

3 17

Another for The Buccaneer was meant to be some kind of pirate, but still makes me think of a biker...? Whatevs, it was fun drawing it, 😅

5 6

I just love size fluff~ 💕😚
Check out my Patreon for early access, exclusive content, WIPs, and to enter the monthly patron-only art raffle ($60 value!) for just $3 😁

139 618

I appreciate a lady who appreciates value!!
Открылись предзаказы на
Зин получился замечательный, мне удалось сделать туда работу
Все детали по ссылке:

1 7

To ALL humans reading this message, you have value! 💥❤️💥🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏿

3 3

Catching up - Day 27

Well, I've been lazy, but ... same character, same franchise: Recognition value!


1 3

Hey, look! It's the Leaning Tower of.... Eiffel? 🗼🥴
Check out my Patreon for early access, WIPs, exclusive content, and an entry in my monthly patron-only raffle ($60 value!) for just $3 a month ✨

52 368

Only 5 hours left on this auction! It only just reached it's normal sale value!

Link to auction VVV

0 0

Bearsong : WLE Sketch Reward

This is a reward sketch for Goops on my server Warriors: Lake's Edge. Everyone who makes a character recieves a free colored sketch from me! A $10 value! Why don't you come on over and check it out?

0 3

Minkstorm : WLE Sketch Reward

This is a reward sketch for Tato on my server Warriors: Lake's Edge. Everyone who makes a character recieves a free colored sketch from me! A $10 value! Why don't you come on over and check it out?

0 0

Let's see who's best girl now~ 😉
Check out my Patreon for exclusive content, WIPs, early access, and monthly request raffle entry for all patrons ($60 value!) for just $3 a month 😁

142 645

Kasumi just felt something move in her stocking! 😖
Check out my Patreon for early access, exclusive content, WIPs, and to join the May patron-only art raffle ($60 value!) for just $3 a month 🤯

69 313

Noi from Dorohedoro is having a snack! And get this- it's you!!
Check out my Patreon for exclusive content, early access, WIPs, and to enter my monthly patron-only raffles ($60 value!) for only $3 a month 🤯😁

62 330

This Prize Package includes:
An exclusive not yet in print shop Dazzlings Print!
Plus a full set of 7 EG prints of the mane 7 from my current Print shop! over 400$ original value!

21 54