Vegapunk concept from some years ago

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No ideas...what we know so far is that he calls him uncle and that he's vegapunk special bodyguard...something is fishy !!! Kizaru is either vegapunk himself or a former scientist :

🟡Look at this pic when he was young...studying

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🟡Why was vegapunk only able to replicate KIZARU'S DF out of everyone ? And not Akainu's ? Aokiji's ?

🟡Why does sentomaru (vegapunk bodyguard) refer to kizaru as his uncle ?

Believe it or not....i do believe that kizaru was part of the mads

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That vegapunk might have the appearance of a kid.
I dont lnow, i always thought that as a genius, we would try something of eternal youth which backfired and he got stucked that way

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En la isla Karakuri. Y esa es la isla de Vegapunk. Por lo q todo se conecta. Ademas creo q Vegapunk tiene relacion con los piratas espaciales, y es q por esta sombra q vemos de el en Punk hazard creo q puede llegar a tener la cabeza alargada+

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Conclusión: Las espirales y su relación con el sellado de seres poderesos y demoníacos nos enseñan un poco más sobre el trasfondo de la obra. Esto será explicado por Oda poco a poco y con ayuda de Vegapunk podremos comprenderlo mejor. ¿Qué pensáis vosotros nakamas? Os leo

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made this character design for Dr. Vegapunk from one piece
what do you think?

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Esta es buenísima 😮
Si Vegapunk aparece en el año 2022, Oda cumpliría las palabras de Kuma ya que cronológicamente el año en que se ubica el mundo de One Piece es el 1522, y como Vegapunk es alguien 500 años adelantado, técnicamente su mente es del 2022, o sea, el año siguiente.

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I have no doubts that Dr. Vegapunk will be unveiled in 2022.
After 16 Years Oda will finally give us the official Debut of the Master Scientist Dr. Vegapunk on Wano Country.

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🗓 9 : vegapunk. must be a punk then 🤨

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Judge siendo tan talentoso y arrogante respecto a sus inventos (un prominente científico que trabajó con Vegapunk), que una "mísera" medicina frustrara su factor de linaje y su "obra maestra" era un insulto, así que es muy probable que nunca haya olvidado su "peor fracaso"...

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Basto mundo de ciencia, se expone claramente dos tipos de científicos y su trabajo...
El "éxito" de Caesar VS El "fracaso" de Vegapunk

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Job: The Brain
Name: Miette
Devil fruit: no one
Dream: he wants to be finally recognized as the most intelligent being and those in front of Vegapunk whom he sincerely hates
Origin: ?
Age: ? years
Birthday: ?

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Happy Birthday🎂Wapol, Hack, Vegapunk, Nawaki, Hyoudou Masato, and Aiba Yuriko!

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Did you ever notice how all of the different kinds of experiments, conducted by Ceaser, Judge and Vegapunk, all connect to and seem to hinge on the lineage factor / bloodline elements?

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Kaido's fruit being mythical does suggest dragons are fantastical creatures. At Punk Hazard the Straw Hats mentioned dragons should be fictional too, but Vegapunk was able to make them a reality (perhaps through Kaido's lineage factor?). I'd love to know more about this too!

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En la minihistoria de Enel conocimos al profesor Tsukimi. quien vivía en la isla Karakuri. Resulta que posteriormente se revelaría esta isla como el hogar de nacimiento de Vegapunk, más específicamente en el famoso Reino futurista de Baldimore...+

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The main reason smiles are defective is because Caesar made them. Vegapunk however, has already created a perfect artificial devil fruit. Yes, Momonosuke SH's fruit i would argue is actually a replica of Kaido's fruit. Its the reason why we haven't gotten their DF names yet

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The interesting part is, the first time we SEE a dragon is in Punk Hazard. A western dragon. The 2 dragons were part of a series of experiments by vegapunk and the world government to produce dragons. We don't know why. In total there were at least 13 dragon models

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Objects are probably only seen with zoan devil fruits b/c an object needs some kind of "consciousness" to "activate" their powers. However, its clear based on Kuma that Vegapunk has figured out how to activate his paramecia via programming. The future.

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