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0 5

[Kore VS Lobster]
🐋Seokjin cute?
🐋Seokjin beautiful?
🐋Seokjin handsome?
🐋Seokjin talented?
🐋Seokjin smart?

405 802

we'll always be by your side 💜

5203 14682

ジンくんEAT JINありがとう❤︎



1 29

I'm on hardcore loving Seokjin hours rn 🥺💓

0 0

I'm sad I just found out Odeng passed away that's why Jin had teary eyes at the end of his live You were the best father 💜😭

361 1266

Odengie, Eomukie and Jjangu are always by your side happily watching you 😢💜✨

8803 20803

doodle from 2017 of a cute little seokjin 😘 💜

2 10

사실 저 후흑흑 하면서 해더그리고있었거든요 흑흑흑

피드백올려줘서 고맙고 사랑해요 리더님

+ 2차가공만안하시면 사용가능하세요 8ㅅ8

18 38