Another quick work before a brief art hiatus - I’m going to the mountains with my family :)

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Errr... So, this was my artwork for - Uno, nessuno e centomila (One, No One and One Hundred Thousand)(thanks Pirandello), where I tried to portray the different facets of

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...and done! <: My friend Spado asked for some , and I always aim to please <;
(GIF ot the process below. As usual, please note that I FAIL at making GIFs D: )

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[Photo] wisesnail:

Finally, a completed speed painting - I could cry

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Finally, a completed speed painting - I could cry <;
Hope you like it (sorry, I know it’s nothing special!!)

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Behind the veil -This is probably one of the few portraits I’m really proud of XD

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Yay, I’ve finished this rough (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

(I personally prefer the version with blood 😅)

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Will Clo finish her previous painting before starting a new one?

Probably not.

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[Photo] thisismydesignhannibal:


I don’t even know what to say anymore…

Prints on my Society6, RedB…

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Still practicing with watercolours - special guest, Dr Chilton <;

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I had this Will covered in blood on my hard drive and I forgot D:

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Quick Wednesday done while in between other projects <:

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[Photo] wisesnail:

Messy Clo is messy

Prints on my Society6, RedBubble and Mont8

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Lazy Sunday, feat. brunch with friends, rain and Amore (my graphic tablet)

15 44

Thankfully I'm not prone to obsessions or anything like that... D:

8 33