Xerath Dark Star

In Collaboration with Riot Games
Client: Riot Games
Riot Games AD: Jessica Oyhenart
West Studio AD: Mingchen Shen
Final Polish: League Splash Team


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Free Champion Rotation, Week of March 24th: Bard, Gnar, Jinx, Karma, Kassadin, Malphite, Ornn, Pantheon, Pyke, Rengar, Taliyah, Urgot, Xayah, Xerath, and Yasuo
S: https://t.co/PGRuoMs3jy

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gold 2, ty, vs ez+xerath, with kog

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who needs context? bard hanging out with some champs. hugging diana, carrying lulu, pantheon and xerath staring down at bard ominously.

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Got the chance to play Xerath, Aurelion Sol and Karthus in ARURF! Those are some fun champions!! 🐉🐉 💫🌟

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Are you a

Skarner, Xerath, Mordekaiser, Kindred, Rek'Sai, Vel'Koz, Karthus, Sion, Twitch, Taric, Pathenon, Nautilus, Trundle, Bard, Ornn or Taliyah


If so, Riot are launching skins for those Champions in 2020! 🥳

22 190

Free Champion Rotation, Week of January 7th: Amumu, Aurelion Sol, Elise, Evelynn, Gangplank, Gnar, Janna, Jinx, Lee Sin, Leona, Olaf, Tahm Kench, Vayne, Xerath, and Yasuo
S: https://t.co/UYSCyQkNj2

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Kiddos...tiny dolls
Em - Evelynn, Crow, Xerath(?

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Favourite Champion: Poppy
Champions I find attractive: Poppy, Kindred, Nami, Vi, Pantheon
First Main: Jarvan
Current Mains: Amumu, Zac, Nami, Poppy
If I get Top: Mundo
If I get Jungle: Amumu, Zac, Poppy
If I get Mid: Xerath
If I get ADC: Twitch
If I get Support: Nami, Thresh

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gold 4, o x o, ty, first time g3 0.0
vs morgana+xerath, 2tpで相手0tpで、振り回してtower取って、集団戦しないで勝ってた。すごい

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