Honestly not into Puyo Puyo Quest or crossovers that much in general. But then Minato Sig happened and I'm a huge sucker for Persona games so

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made the new puyoque x conan collab character's arts transparent 👓

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"Playing in Multiquests" from the Puyo Puyo Quest website!

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this nge crossover is giving me life like Salde as PenPen is so cute <3 SO UH PUYO QUEST IN THE WEST PLEASE???

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traveling diviner feli!! (esqueci de postar.......)

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This is it. The boi of my dreams has an Alt worth of praising. Maguro is such a pure boi ;;;;;;; He even has a water cup aesthetic ;;;;;;

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puyoquest is actually a good mobage

witch puyo powa

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Some Puyo Puyo sketches! Why can't the west have puyo quest B') PLS SEGA THE GACHA ARE SO CUTE ;v;

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puyo puyo art dump begins now

Elma from puyoquest

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A little experimental Puyoque fanart . Undine, rank 3 and 5 :0

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