Yey~ Me llamo Margarita, tengo 20 años y estudio Bellas Artes. Aunque cada vez hago menos ilustración, estoy contenta de poder investigar otros campos de las artes plásticas.
No hago nada relativamente destacable, pero en fin, hago cosas XD A ver si algún día cae un fanzine...

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I've not been posting much stuff lately so... here's one of the pages I did for the MegOp zine... old stuff 😅

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omfg I'm so mad at myself--I found the file that I was originally going to use for the R76 zine.........IT WAS ON MY HOME DESKTOP THE ENTIRE TIME I'M SO--

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A very late preview of mine for the charity zine... featuring some rowdy boys

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I FORGOT i did this for the crux of fate zine...this is also a good time to post this hshdfssdfdf

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2.5 spreads left of the zine....! Almost there~ Here's a little snippet! 💖✨

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Ending the night with my joint for the zine.... shoutouts to the always awesome !!! This was fun!!!

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a little mipha icon =v=
i'm rethinking my piece idea for the botwzine...

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my full piece for the 'ai' YOI zine! I chose the theme 'philia'. phichit and yuuri are the best ♡ there's some amazing work in this zine...

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second illustration preview for my original zine...!!

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Drew making tea. Slowly churning out drawings and sketches for an eventual Gong Fu Cha tea zine...

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also this was my piece for the recall fanzine.... 💦

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kayyy some last (?) teasers for my MM zine...! FINAL SPRINT for the next two weeks lol

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Illustration for this months American Airlines Magazine...replacing human atheletes with r…

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another piece wip for the v zine... aAA the deadline is in less than a week and im wEEPIN,,

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Quick sketch for the Okuyasu zine... I'm still trying to figure out dem colors.

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takumi + kiragi also from my zine...i imagine kiragi would have big ears

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a preview of my piece for the

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