TIL: The coma world must have incredibly shoddy lighting with all of these 'face in shadow' portraits.

2 9

A Kuro no le gusta que me coma el papel! >:0
realmente ni yo se porque como papel,pero el papel es rico(???💦💦

-Shiro 💜🦔

4 25

狂った殺人鬼の魔の手から生き延びろ! 『The Coma: Recut』のSwitch版が配信開始 https://t.co/baQ2qGBdyZ

11 28

Cette semaine, dans l'hebdo on te parle d'un enfant de cinq ans qui a sauvé son père d’un en appelant le 🚑 On en profite pour te rappeler tous les bons réflexes à adopter en situation d'urgence !
Viens en apprendre plus dans l'hebdo : https://t.co/nRRlYmDKJh 👇📰 !

5 3


mabanuaプロデュースのもと、COMA-CHI、DJ BAKU、関口シンゴ、Shingo Suzuki (Ovall)、Michael Kaneko、別所和洋 (Yasei Collective)、井上陽介 (Turntable Films)が集結。


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Nightmares. AU stuff
While in coma, Muffin is only visited by Latte, so he can't hear Chiffon. it makes him feel worried about him, diving deep into "nightmares" in his subconsciousness. He wanders endless corridors, trying to find his smol bro

Muffin ©

6 89

Nevermind 援雲い
Every hero's worst nightmare, and the cruelest rule of the coma world: Someone who can never be saved, no matter what.
Chromatose OST: "Black Vanilla" - by

5 21

My friend, who has been in a coma for 3 years and presumed dead, texted me this

11 6

“He’s a good boy, I won’t loose him I know it...I just gotta not lose hope on him...I love him so much it hurts to lose him..please Finn..don’t leave me..”

I’m sorry I’m not good at drawing humans an no he’s not dead, he’s just in a small coma is all..Finn will make it..

0 0

🎶Which one of these is not a JRPG🎶

🎵.hack// series
🎵Phantsy Star

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・COMA GOMA ゴマちゃん(第6巻)
・DVD BOX vol.4


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0 11

i said i was gonna draw brivere from coma baby so i DID IT, this amazing character belongs to THANK U FOR WRITING A GREAT FIC

8 33

Only three hours remain to get The Coma: Recut DELUXE EDITION for $7 at https://t.co/orac9aET73

Thanks, !

1 5

【ゴマ劇場 総集編】25 CM

📆 4/12(木)はスペシャルデー🎵

COMA GOMA ゴマちゃん(6巻)



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I will not find peace until I draw Seija handsome enough to knock me into a coma for 72 years

11 20

New character teaser/reveal: Meet Quentin!
How do you think she ended up in the coma world?

2 7

The Coma, Brawlout, Darkest Dungeon, Slain!... ¡Juegos para todos los gustos, y mucha variedad para los próximos meses en vuestra Nintendo Switch! Quién iba a decir que hace ya casi un añito que salió la pequeña :D Por cierto, ya podéis reservar todos ;)

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