Affirmation - Amazing things happen every day in my life.
original artwork by: Erisiar

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You’re Not Alone is 52 minutes and 32 seconds of Andrew W.K. triumphantly singing and monologuing positive affirmations at You specifically. Reach for it in times of need.

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Inspired by lovely feedback, here is the updated version of "The Self-affirming Derby Dragon." Might become a running series of self-affirmations as I think of things.

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“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed”. – Mahatma Gandhi

On let us reaffirm our commitment to protect the nature and its resources for a safer, cleaner and a more prosperous future.

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My is basically that devout, loyal, animal lover NPC that you meet in a small town and if you get her to join your party you know she would be boosting your self-esteem with positive affirmations and if anyone tries to come at you she will wreck them good.

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Affirmation - I live in expanding waves of love and creativity.
original artwork by: Nathalie-Bennet

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Le dramaturge japonais Zeami Motokiyo (XVème s.) affirmait que la quintessence de tous les arts est la fleur: "du naissant perpétuel que l'on cueille et qui s'ouvre".

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SOLD - I started this painting this year prompted by my husband. Not my usual subject.

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Sometimes I have anxious nights, so I decided today to write down the affirmations that I collected from DARE and other places that help go into a calm state when I'm anxous. Writting down and drawing a little critter made me relax, so I might do more as therapy.

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Affirmation - I am ready to begin a new journey.
original artwork by: Sarah Lange

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La reine Hatchepsout sera de retour pour affirmer sa grandeur dès le 3 mai chez Ki-oon Éditions​ avec la publication du 4e volume de Reine d'Égypte ! ⚖
On a terriblement hâte. Et vous ?

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"It's ok to let the worst parts of you fly away in the wind. Let the most evil aspects of yourself separate. You are more than what anyone else sees " - Lyns

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Illustrated some daily affirmations written by for 🌻🌸🌞 see them all here -->>

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We've got that so we're unveiling the second book in our series: Mini Meditations on Joy by & . A life-affirming illustrated journey through quotes on from famous thinkers, writers and artists. Out this autumn!

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I really like how I accidentally made these boys all look so chipper, so I thought it might be cute to make them into inspirational positive affirmation boyos too! ✨

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The life affirming new collection from Danielle O'Connor revisits her artistic roots going back to those forces of nature that first inspired her work.

Contact the gallery today to secure your piece.

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Affirmative Action 1987 78” X 78” oil on canvas

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Took a break from KidLit to read this classic tome. Not sure how to rate it. Grizzly, life-affirming, horrific, political, chilling... Quite astounding. Utterly different to Hunger Games

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