Un coloreo de un manga que amo con mis dos waifusss <3 Maria Y Katarina <3

Manga: OtomeGameNoHametsuFlag

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This is my
PIXIV: https://t.co/hcZw5bU1pB
PATREON: https://t.co/t5NFkQMoYO
DEVIANTART: https://t.co/mV3JeMFNtH
PAGE FACEBOOK: https://t.co/avvLldqUhQ
All your help is my motivation <3
Thanks for all your support!♥

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I was commissioned to draw Jibril from ! Small disclaimer, Sola is the name of the customer and the alterations in her look are intended as requested. https://t.co/N6n2AoTnFm

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Shiro was getting lonely all by herself! Me and continue charm crunch for the billionth time this year!

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Y'a que Jibril pour faire un selfie pendant la fin du monde

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"The space between you and your guides is
what your perception makes it to be.
You are the one who can bridge that gap
with your personal energy."
- Jasmeine Moonsong
Original Artist - DJ MadameNoir

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EMP skill 1: 大鷲返し
Counter (on dodge or on taking damage, 2 times)

EMP skill 2: 無明斬
MC attacks 3 times while in effect (see: Ameno Habakiri). Uses 40% meter

EMP skill 3: 烈刀一閃
MC's element nuke, CA specs up (usually damage up/cap up, no numbers yet). Uses 60% meter

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New Arrival!!!

Machi no Yakuza to Panyasan by Ameno Jiji


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Just finished the second prize of one of my latest giveaways. This time was Tet, from No Game No Life ✨Hope you like it! 🔷

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"Tee hee"

Artist : c
Anime : No Game No Life

Source : https://t.co/O5kKaRHJv1


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>ヒロアカの天喰 環くん描いてください!!m(__)m https://t.co/rdiD1WyOsM

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tico moon『Beautiful days』リリースツアー〜九州編〜

5月2日(水)福岡市 Atlier GALA de EAU 19:30

3日(木・祝)出水市 marcello cafe'trattoria 13:00

4日(金・祝)宮崎市 若草hutte 19:00

5日(土・祝)日出町 kamenos 17:00

6日(日)小城市 Room Design Factory 19:00


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❥❀┇【Icon's de Shiro.】┇❥ ❀


➤ Pixiv ID: 54205423.
Creador: kamiya yuu.

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Ameno sagiri del manga Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san 💓💓💓
version sin censura en pixiv pronto
si pueden compartan :3

original art : Miura Tadahiro

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Esta comision la terminé este viernes de Shuvi Dola de la serie No Game No Life ^^! Espero que os guste! :3!! Mañana ya se va a casa de su dueña! :3!
Si estais interesados en comisiones no dudeis en enviarme un MP! ^^!#shuvidola

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