So I messaged about 5 people from my last one and they all ended up being bots....SO LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN.

Retweet + follow to enter + Tell me your FAVORITE flower! 😊
Don't post refs!

Winners will get a fullbody!
Anthros + Ferals ONLY!

Ends June 10th ❤️

15 13

We also tried some hoods and capes on robots. While they look hot as hell, we decided to go with clean look for the main bot, for story and gameplay reasons.

11 13

Well was a challenge (especially the number bots), but I've just about managed to complete it on time. I hope you've enjoyed seeing the family grow over this last month!

Here's my full set of Robotype bots.

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I like to draw my girlfriend's robots. 🌺🌺🌺

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Whatsherface! Rebellious girl that found a home within the Misery Cult. She likes to show off her prosthetic, claiming to have lost her arm during an epic battle against one of Lucky’s robots. Truthfully, she lost it to gangrene before she could talk, but that’s not as cool.

5 12

so i had a fun lil idea of what if some tv networks were robots. so i made robots out of cartoon network and nickelodeon. i think they came out pretty good!!

9 19

Oh, we're not bots. Don't worry. This is the official Yangyang Mobile account. ;>

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30/31 ... "Humans created robots. Humans went extinct. There are no more humans. Only robots." This is a final keyframe, teasing my Robotopia story a last time. 😉

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4-2 Cyberpunk Gyroid
Revisiting one of my favorites from last years March of Robots.

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I drew a thing, mainly to diss Instabots. You can see the edit at my insta (@ ajcrwl). Here's the uncaptioned art.

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Farm girl that happens to like robots.

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You can't forget about these guys. Here are a few more of our favorite green bots...

12 67

More Or is it Either way, sacrifices have been made to the hastag gods.

4 39

Apparently is a thing. So here, have some

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I'm always late to these things but just discovered So fun. Here's a little

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Friends in the field of broken robots. day 4!

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