Eau calme~
Représentation de ma petite Neptune(Chiki)!

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I spent an hour painting kirihara’s eyes and I feel a lot calmer now

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Nice live tout calme, en voici le résultat

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We are 1 hour away from Chapter 2 was a fun read...so many awe inspiring ideas and great reminders for building a strong classroom community from day 1! Excited to reflect w/ you

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the middle sibling, no name as of yet cause names are hard. they’re calmer than the other two but that’s not a very high bar to set. the red ribbon is for matchies with blue

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A3: Laughter and a smile are the norm. A happy attitude is contagious. We can still keep the focus and enhance learning with smiles and fun. Learning sticks when the process is an enjoyable experience.

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I said I'd introduce you to the other members of Eternal Crim, so here we go. This is Sumi. She's a master of the sword. She's also the calmest member of Eternal Crim.

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Select your aesthetic: luxury convertible sportscar driver or intimidating motorcyclist — Intimidating motorcyclist cause of reasons... U v U 💭 (https://t.co/mMlu5P72AS)

I swear Solo is Intimidating. He's calmer these days.

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Inspired for the pose by :) / ouep maintenant je vais me calmer avec Zelda 😇

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Théorie : Chaque année il aura l'air plus calme et ses cheveux pousseront.

Bref, voici un peu l'évolution du design de Lure :)
(on vient de loin...)

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Oups, j'étais à côté de la plaque, sorry. N'hésite pas à t'isoler qq minutes par ci par là si tu peux? Quand les larmes montent, respire profondément, regarde vers le haut (true story). Si tu craques, don't panic, explique calmement que tu es triste/malade, ils le sentent anyway

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first is from jan 1st 2018, second is from jan 2nd 2019. My style calmed the fuck down

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L'année 2018 fut riche en expérience, mais calme niveau dessin
Cette année, objectif environ un dessin/croquis par semaine o/
Beaucoup de chose de prévu sur le plan personnelle, j'espère que ça nourrira mon imagination 😊
Santé et bonheur de votre côté
Bonne année 2019 🙂

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X mas Gift 2:

This one for

He help me with the shadows and background, his voice always calmed and is fun to talk with him calling him chihuahua, dont mind me dude!~ i always say it because im glad i meet you~

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Work was cancelled for the rest of this week, not sure when I will get work again...
It's really stressed me out so muc so I haven't been able to draw without messing up badly...

I've calmed down now, so I will start inking up my one shot "Imp?" tomorrow.

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Things finally calmed down. Have a little self portrait as a warm up.

Medibang and Fire Alpaca are essentially the same software, isn't it.

Also, I have short hair now.

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Divina frau-meigs : "la position de Trump est sa position habituelle : il fait des intimidations pour obliger les réseaux sociaux à se 'calmer' et pourtant, c'est son moyen de communication privilégié."


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