画質 高画質

De todo lo que llevo de enero creo que he hecho estos 3 dibujitos, ni idea de si podré mantener la constancia después de empezar clases, pero bueno, aquí están ala

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Waktu rec dulu, ngobrol sm mba2 senior. Mereka blg ‘De, apapun yg terjadi dilangit, itu kehendak tuhan. Apapun yg kami senangi, dan cintai, sudah kami tinggalkan diujung landasan Lillahi Ta'ala

sending all prayers to sriwijaya air, the passengers, crews & their family ❤️

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Karyaku! Mau nanya pendapat kalian dong, buat bikin blush ala” kalian lebih prefer yg kiri atau kanan? Sedang Ingin bereksperimen make blush”an wkwk

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de nuevo dibujando ala bebe Silvia de
uwu , me gusta mucho hacerte fanart :D tus diseños me gustan muchos sigue asi .

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Ih ala, somos do mesmo clã?

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ala o cara triste 😔😥 vc poderia compartilhar esse desenho? 🥺

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Ala, ta olhandinho ✨

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iih, ala eu 💕💕
Aqui meus deseinhos mais recentes:

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REALLLLY hoping that the Hive get a rework in the Witch Queen ala Scorn or Siva Fallen. Freshen them up, I don't want another expac about shooting the same old enemies.

Where my moth boiis at Bungie?

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I make their meeting ala MK 11 between Terminator vs Rambo. If only i can make animation, i already make it. :(

Stolomi: I have a friend like you.
Ahnoldt: Does he have a sexy accent?
Stolomi: He got drop kicked in the basketball court.

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That special feeling...
The rest of Holomyth ala Walfie.

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Ke le den a los fondos elaborados NKQKJAJAJS
Yo no soy de esas weas, me da mucha flojera sorRy- xD
En fiN-
Uno de los pocos dibujos me me han gustado A-
Es para Wattpad lol
Así me porque nO, de una vez les dejo también la ficha pa la historiA xD

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Mas crush abis kularang sebat, makan lolipopnya jadi ala sebat gitu 😌😌

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