우리 무명왕님 지금은 반뼉다귀지만 젊었을 시절엔 얼마나 미남이었을지 상상도 안갑니다아아아악!!!!!! 흑흑...

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So here I am. My friend drawed this for me,based on my character in Call me Ray if you want. Feel free to contact me if you want to be my friend.🙂

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Come check out how I drew the of the final boss of The Soul of Cinder in his second phase in which he takes on the Gwyn, Lord of Cinder and the final boss of the OG game, moveset

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蘇る死体蛆     白子だと思って資料見て描きました。きもい。

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여기도 올려야지... 호구왕...아니 패왕 워닐.

36 51

デーモンの助祭     かっこいいけど許されないMOB

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下男亡者     初見時は怖くて周回時は雑魚な良いMOBだと思います

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The high wall is painted with the blood of countless travelers. Reflecting visions of their cursed fate.

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I gotta work on continuing to post art on here!

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i feel like the more i work on this piece of my character the worse it gets so here is the sketch that i still like. i'll keep working on this thing but idk yet if i'll post the finished piece~

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青白い魔の手     この手地味に関節の多さが不気味なポイントだと思うのですよ

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