Mara would probably hate being referred to as a goon, henchman, or flunky. However, she's donning the outfit because it looks cool. Oh, and here's a neat Electro-staff to go along with it.

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This is what Zigazagoons see before my monkey kills them

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So you’ve seen my Jonny doodle and I now give you.... Adam!!! 😊

May I present Pissface () and Pusface 🥳😂

2 down 3 to go and then it’s time to make these goons into stickers ✌🏻👀

Availabubble in the near future (sorry that was lame but I had to 😂)

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DAVE THIS IS SO C UTE>>!!!!!!!!!

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Parch well and her 2 goons, She's slowly regretting her decision on coming on this trip ;w

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le bunny boy and mona: he got his dandy nerf blaster and idk why she has a katana it looks cool tho

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Craymen next to a maple tree. Thanks again to TB Samurai for contributing!

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Showing off some more of our goons. You know, those people superheroes beat up wholesale.

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Dragoons messing around after work is done =w=

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I've hit a group of OCs I've been just dying to do their bday posts so get ready! Today we're focusing on Batya, a wolf spirit that was turned into a human by some magic collar that some goons put on her. Her memory is from when she turned.

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Oh hey, look, I did that weird thing. That's pretty epic.

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Workin' on that 'Goonsona' thing

Dandy's close to bein' done
gonna work on me tomorrow

I REALLY like how he came out tho lol

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wanted to brush up on my drawing skills & thought my character Orion would be perfect to 😄

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it's been a fun dogtober 🧹🧹🧹 glad u guys seem to like these lil goons

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Hey art mutuals (we follow each other) reply with several pictures of your OCs, I want to draw them hanging out with mine gang of goons

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