Fare Thee Well, Emeritus Raphael Ndingi Mwana a'Nzeki

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The Car of Venus (1730-1770) by François Boucher
Venus on the Waves (1769) by François Boucher
Allegory of Merit (1758) by Giovanni Battista Tiepoli

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Con el calor que ha estado haciendo llevo un par de días usando shorts y playeras de manga corta.

Eso es una clara señal del Apocalipsis y ameritaba cambiar mi caricatura durante esta cuarentena (con mi Lysol agregado❤️)

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Catch up on the latest from the crew of the Temerity https://t.co/JmD5phZ616

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I am absolutely ecstatic about this commission from of my D&D character Temerity!

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My father's delicious enhanced beans may merit protein levels that rival meat, but the gas that follows consumption feels very much like the fire of spicy foods. Anyone in the way would be lucky to survive the noxious outblowing.

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New BL manga that won a merit award in the "Soft, heartwringing BL context" and it's easy to see why - it's about "an app that lets you meet and fall in love with your soulmate" and you can guess what happens next. Cute!

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Stiamo navigando a vista. Chi deve guidare lo faccia. Chi non sa la strada o vuole prendersi meriti taccia.

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Hello my dears! 'u' My part of art trade made with the amazing I figured after a ritual, Papa III needs a hot bath... and maybe in addition to hot water, he'll find a beefy Omega in the bathtub.

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🎁 I received a package from Sweden today and was very happy. A silver lining in this dark time. 🎇
I wanted to have this rare LP of "Ceremony & Devotion" for a very long time. Now I have finally get it. 🙏

Isn't HE beautiful? 😍😂

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I think it’s a Star Trek day. Need some optimistic future scenarios to draw Temerity!

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“Li possiamo battere, solo per un giorno
Possiamo essere eroi, solo per un giorno”
David Bowie,Heroes

Al Salotto Letterario,Amici,per David Bowie un giorno è stato troppo poco,perciò merita di restare con noi anche domani .
~18 Marzo~
Vi aspetto.

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Muy oportuna versión confinada de los "vigilantes de obra" por ; y buen momento para recordar las del rey emérito publicadas por Álvaro + con motivo de la "emeritización"

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excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.

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Tanto los videojuegos como las series y peliculas, documentales y demas plataformas de visionado y entretenimiento, libros, comics, mangas...
Juegos de mesa.
Todo eso hace que no nos volvamos locos durante la cuarentena y me gustaria que tambien se reconociese
(Sin quitar merito)

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cambiando de Icon otra vez xq la situación lo amerita (? :v

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