C: Al... when I agreed to be your demon, this was not part of the contract

A: Come on darling, a little of charity is not bad~

10 83

I have a headcanon that Charlie LOVES Christmas, since she probably never got to celebrate it :>!

So have a Christmas suit Charlie! <3

25 158

Bueno,el dibujo es simple y disculpad si la niebla es una mierda XD (Por que es niebla ¿vale?)pero no sabia dibujarla :')

Os recomiendo enserio que escuchéis la canción con su traducción, os va a ayudar a entender a Fritz.


2 7

So there was conversation with and and we kinda talked about, what if there was a crossover with and Harry Potter soo yay here ya goo fanart crossover 🎉

33 190

When the madness Alastor meets Alastor and Charlie // The madness Alastor is just a character I designed myself.

54 545

IT TOOK ME SO LONG! but I finally finished my Christmas pic for these cuties, gosh that BG and those ugly sweaters took half of my life

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