doodles plus some requests from my friends! I totally did not binge watch it over the duration of one night..

186 771

Мои любёночки >:^)

101 863

besties besties besties besties besties besties besties

552 3400

Mcy from inside job wacky magic fungi lol

0 5

im now on my third binge through. god this show is amazing.

64 529

human myc bcos someone's gonna do it eventually. redraws of a few scenes from the show. also pls watch inside job

5 27

I just finished watching and I loved it

3 12

Finally did my first fanart of my gurl Regan!!
Definitly gotta draw her more, but less serious next time!! ^^

3 14

Bear-O is the best! His only crime is loving Reagan. I can’t wait for a new season!Rewatched it 4 times already lol

9 33