I know its late but i had to draw oc Alaska cuz shes the waifest of waifus and i love her <3 Hope you like it!

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This 16x20 pencil portrait of an Alaskan white husky dog was commissioned by a family member from their family photo. I used a pencil which is 4B on pure-white paper.

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You don't have to travel to Barrow, Alaska for our next guest!

is best known for his work in the American comic book industry, most notably the ​ and


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That's one heckuva monster high pressure ridge over NE Russia/NW Alaska right now. Temp anomalies of +30 deg C associated with it.

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Ship w other OC's: Yep. (artist of these AMAZING pics) and I have a lot of fun shipping the Dragon Laska kids, crack or otherwise. One of my fav pairs is Be and Crys, although it's more of a crack pairing I guess. I'm not sure if it's feasible but it's fun to think about.

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Main Reason for Making OC's: To begin with it was all about pumping out as many ideas as I could make. Now I usually make them to fit into Dragon Laska or Omnia rather than just making whatever comes to mind. I put a lot more work into them now so there's less but they're better.

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Favourite OC: Too bad I've already posted Tensei.
From a design and written stand point I'd say Be from Dragon Laska is right up there. Writing their lines and drawing their expressions is one of the most entertaining things I think I've ever done. Here's one I'm super proud of.

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El Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico, ACTIVO!
- Erupción del Volcán en Filipinas 🌋
- Erupción de un volcán japonés causa avalancha y 1 muerto 🌋
- Sismo M6.0 en Indonesia deja daños en Jakarta🏚
- Terremoto M7.9 en Alaska forza alerta de 🌊

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Took about a million photos while I was flying over alaska so I could use them for reference later

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Snow Goggles, Old Bering Sea or Ipiutaq Culture, Alaska, Carved walrus ivory, 100 – 600 CE

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根据chibi里Yang和Neo的互动 两个月前画的~

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day 1. Everyone loves reindeers at Christmas! This 1937 Map shows the extent of reindeer herding from Alaska to Siberia. Despite differences in landscapes & cultures it’s still practiced almost identically wherever it is found.

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Is anyone local to the in Alaska? I proudly have 2 artworks on display in their Art of Fandom exhibition,so please go check it out and let me know if you see them 😁🎨.

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Alahai... sibuk nampak bro Kijang kita ni. Tengah buat apa tuuu...? Ada sape2 yang boleh jelaskan tak? 😁

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