B : You like it, don't you?
C : You already know.
B : Then better keep watching boy.

1201 290


613 306

- ความโทนดำ x1000000000
- https://t.co/WFcfMfO7y8

144 68

Baekhyun Lightsaber💕
เสร็จแย้ววว ปั่นนานมาก555

14 11

初めのベクちゃんー lightsaberのベクヒョンかっこいいすぎる

0 3

I'm back! with 11.11 Pocky's(Pepero, what ever) day!!

คือ Lightsaber คือแท่มว๊ากกกกกกก ชีอบๆ

3191 815

Another concept from my new thing..the sword came out a little too lightsabery, but oh well.#magicalgirl

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Unlucky Lightsaber (or "Never tell me the odds!")

240 440

LOOK I DREW MYSELF AS A JEDI BECAUSE I'M A NERD. And because I would be fabulous as a dual lightsaber jedi. No joke.

0 3

Hold on to your lightsabers and hug the closest Wookie cuz is coming to http://t.co/TY9iczaXzO

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