Freehand of (allegedly! I didn't manage a very good likeness... bah) using HB and eraser. Tinted digitally.

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At least he's not throwing it. Credit u/InsertInternational.

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~Loves multicolored wigs, tinted roung glasses, and see-through clothing
~Hippie who meditates over crystals
~Gold Gauges can be any color

-Paypal only Dm pls

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tinted glasses are cute... I want them....

3 20

as from
Freehand using HB and eraser. Darkened and tinted digitally. Reference from Haji_steppe

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i like tinted pink color😙

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If you don't have any tinted paper lying aound, try drawing with a different color ink. from our fakulty member Koosje Koene: Drawings of my hand with red ink and watercolors.

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They don’t have John Smith on it. 🙅🏼‍♀️😂

Or Kovu 😂😂

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Día 9 de es la autora de esta historieta de tintes autobiográficos sobre cómo elegir un buen vino... ¡diversión asegurada!

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Freehand using HB and eraser. Darkened and tinted digitally. Referenced from by

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La felicità a tinte pastello nelle illustrazioni di Otto Kim

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