New print for Xantara!~ based on the bike mini-game :)

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Gracias por este hermoso dibujo karol le encantara

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Ikuti terus petualangan Patriot Nusantara (Godam-Gundala) tiap Senin s/d Sabtu hanya di

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by bimantara45 if you like this check out thanks for order
Smudge painting…

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Este sujeto golpeó a la actriz cuando está le pidió que levantara las heces de su perro.

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Made for a friend's birthday (couple days late, though)

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1. Studi agama dan perdamaian tidak bisa terhindar dari ketegangan antara yang sekular dan yang relijius.

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Always forget to post stuff here smh
Valentines gift for MantaRayKitsune (DA) and her boyfriend!

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Ikuti setiap hari Senin s/d Sabtu petualangan superhero lokal Patriot Nusantara hanya di

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Christmas Soraka/Santaraka She commissioned me to do this months ago around this time so I'm working on it!

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Dudel sore lg, Suku Vanantara. udh cukup pelemasan na! :D

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HOLY SHIT. The guy who voiced Dug from Up, also voiced Mr. Mantaray from Finding Nemo and Roz from Monsters Inc

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