omg animating is so much harder than I remember 😆

264 814

Ya perdí la cuenta de cuántas veces he dibujado a Shen Qingqiu c': 💚💚🎋💚🎋💚

17 58

Can't wait for Sep 10th to see more Shizun and Bunhe ♥♥
Finally, we SV nation are going to be fed 🙏🏽

2 5

Есть тут фанаты Системы? Хотите Шеня раздеть?
Буквально 70💙 на этот пост и придет Бинхе, чтобы все сделать 😏
Одномоментная раздевашка по заказу ~

3 40

Sqq-Sensei: YaMeTe KuDaSai... B-Bing-chan Hn¡


16 83

Shen Yuan my Shen Yuan ❤️❤️❤️

0 2

“You see this shit?” -SJ 😔 LQG please manhandle him some more his attitude is atrocious

11 40

My favorite place to be is inside of your hugs where it's warm and loving

cr. 框不圆 from LOFTER

1 31

oh to have a lil plant shizun aat home, would squish his lil cheeks always

5 12

Ло Бинхэ гадает, любит ли его учитель...

34 244