Un 27 de Agosto de 1995 se estrenó la edición en película de La película transcurre en el año 2040, tres décadas después de la guerra entre humanos y Zentraedi de SDF Macross. Fue dirigida en conjunto por Shoji Kawamori y Shinichiro Watanabe

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Citrus plus will be released starting on October 18 at the same time Yagate Kimi Ni Naru anime will be aired on the same month, stimulating month 😏❤️

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Happy !!!! I drew the OT12 to celebrate 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖

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We are 3 days away from which means it is time for another countdown art work! Today's girl is our magnificent 💚🕊️ Thank you to & for the lovely art work💖

30 67

Ended up making a pin design of my default state, crow with knife 👀
Has anyone ever done glow-in-the-dark enamel with PinProsPlus? I know they can do double metal + screenprinting, but I haven't heard anything about glow-in-the-dark//

5 52

They say that a great game to play after God of War is Mulaka, right?


9 22

MY BRETHREN 🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

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Renta!→ https://t.co/SqlqeHcQoN
コミックシーモア→ https://t.co/Hx5zdFu9L1


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Tagged by a TON of people XD

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PS Plus 2018年7月提供コンテンツをご紹介! フリープレイに『オメガクインテット』『~聖魔導物語~』などが登場! PS Plus加入者限定の「NURO 光」キャンペーンも本日よりスタート! https://t.co/CEFrwvkK3j

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Splush さんのサイトで予告サムネが見れますです😀


23 150

Splush vol.25 本日より配信開始です!江戸を舞台にエッチな事件!? どすけべな新連載始まります!☆隔月偶数月配信☆試し読み→https://t.co/BSF8zyySSd

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お仕事情報*5/19「今日から悪魔と同居します」(Splush文庫)発売。ある日突然悪魔の末裔だと告げられた凌平。草食系スイーツ男子が精子(?)をかけて世界を守る?! イラストは小山田あみ先生。超絶トンチキ悪魔系BL。コミコミ様でSS付イラストカード、ホーリンラブブックス様でイラストブロマイド付き!

13 25

【Splush文庫5月刊 5/20発売!】

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Celebrating Japan and Japanese culture with the sale! is 50% off (60% with in North America's Playstation Store! https://t.co/6FeRv7HCMj

3 5

If Sheryl was the YF-21 in Macross Plus, I think Isamu would have lost. Lol.
(Illustration from the Macross Chronicle).

11 27

The sale is on in North America! Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax is 50% off (60% with https://t.co/Al1HJFrewg

7 10

J'ai dû avoir un déclic sur la couleur ces derniers temps....mes dessins sont ultra shiny 😂😂 En vrai j'aime trop 💎💎

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