Repost with a bit of editing and ran it through waifu2x for quality improvement~!

3 25

Myou having a little tryst with Yukio(ノ´ з `)ノ<3

0 16

I lvoe my grils
【Invite ID】253537464023 【URL】

0 0

Whoa I get free points in Nizikano for making a tweet?
【Invite ID】253537464023 【URL】

0 0

"And thus the rain and wind hath freed me in this new yearヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ!"

0 18

The dangers of work( ̄□ ̄」) Code Red~

1 15

Cute girls on trains. :3
【Invite ID】541254380856 【URL】

3 22

Even more recommendations! Oh! Making my own outfit combinations right now ~

0 1