
photo by 南雲直人

94 716

〖 おしらせ 〗

4 / 14 東京、余れば 4 / 29 追加東京
で ICカードシールを配ります ✎
先着で 35 枚くらいあります〜

8 132


Favorite Opening Theme Song
"Kawaki wo Ameku" by Minami
Domestic Girlfriend

67 295

La pueden compartir donde quieran, solo no olviden dar créditos ;)

18 59

Kawaki is a cool booooy

32 149

Naruto and Kawaki eating ramen!
I am very happy to have drawn this!
This drawing is dedicated to the first place of the draw that you make on my facebook page (https://t.co/EacmWAs3Fq)

11 33

Whataya want from Me
no es capaz de entender los sentimientos que despierta en él y el día del amor se acerca.
Una pequeña historia sobre el primer amor. ❤️

16 54

Boruto and Kawaki have more in common than you might think :)

15 79

inspired by a song called "kawaki wo ameku" 💕#funamusea úvÙ

0 15

COMMISSION for Tanh ,Crimsonalloy ,Kawakinealice

3 13

Naruto & Kawaki ~ Boruto

(top padre cet homme)

25 56

Her body is almost made up of Scientific Ninja Tools. Her eyes absorbs ninjutsu and throws it back. Her legs can transform into a weapon like Kawaki's arm and looks like a jet engine that can make her fly. As what Kawaki said, inners are goddamn monsters!

1 4

o kawaki é o filho bastardo que o naruto teve com o sasuke

101 464