In Sailor Mars' "Evil Spirits Begone" attack, quick shots of Acala (अचल), a Buddhist dharmapala, are seen. In Japan, he is called Fudō Myō-ō & is revered in Shingon, Tendai, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism & Shugendō traditions. He is 1 of 5 Wisdom Kings.

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Just change 's design a little bit, and you have the perfect Godzilla design.

1 5

i drew the second form of the big boy from shin godzilla cause i love this goofy boy a lot! definitely gonna draw the fourth form too at some point cause that dude has major big dick energy!

1 9

George Washingon, man! He was in a cult, and the cult was into ALIENS, man.

Big thanks to for this.

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Mr. Shingo Yamashita and Mr. Shintaro Doge the animators and I, Jun Sugawara from the animator support agency and Ms. Hitomi Uehara as an interpreter will be there.

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✨開催中✨SRBGENk個展「Unknown Cults」(~7/29)

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Shingo Matsunuma aka Shichigoro

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AA=アルバム『#5』ジャケットや『“動物農場” AA= OIO SPECIAL EDITION』表紙&挿絵でもお馴染みのイラストレーターshichigoro-shingo氏( )の個展「INDUSTRIALPUNK」は銀座ヴァニラ画廊にて明日7月15日まで!リアルサイズのAA=ブタマスクも展示されています!

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Il 14-07-1789, Oscar Françoise DeJarjayes moriva, un'ora dopo il ponte si abbassava, la Bastiglia si arrendeva. i drew it

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【通販】shichigoro-shingo /画集『ウサロボセカイ』

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【shichigoro-shingo展インダストリアル パンク】本日19時まで7.3→7.15
Cyberpunk、Steampunk、Biomech Art…おそらくそれはノイズで歪んだ”Industrialpunk”錆びて煤け黒くくすんだキカイ。作品70点に加えて、立体作品も展示中!会場ではshichigoroさんがライブ制作!

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RoomA/shichigoro-shingo展 「industrial punk」
RoomB/クレッグ・ドレーク×桃桃子展覧会「She is…」

2018年7月3日(火)~ 7月15日(日)まで、会期中無休

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