画質 高画質

I started art very young, and honestly I’ve improved a lot since then [Im 15, going to year 11 in September]

and, honestly I’m not DONE improving, school isn’t gonna help since y’know, art + school,half the time not helpful
but y’know
but, I know I can improve wirh so much!!

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Exactly <3
Never give up, keep improving. You'll see how much it changes.

left: 2019/right: 2022 https://t.co/TiM8ZDRsGD

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I didn’t start doing (digital) art until I was 16. I’m 21 now and I’ve improved a lot over the years. Just thought I’d share this with y’all because it’s NEVER too late to pick up any new hobby such as art and anybody can keep improving and become great 💙 https://t.co/ve87syfIIk

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2018 -> 2020-> 2022 (newest)

I don't think I have much improvement from middle art

But I will try to keep improving myself at my own pace

Step by step la 🐾 🎶

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❖ Let's talk about a 🧵

Incredibly powerful AI image generating tools are here and improving quickly. Regardless of how you feel about it...

This will change art forever.

We need to begin open conversations about how we evaluate this revolutionary new medium.

20 67

This is my improvement from 15-16-17-19 (we don’t talk about 18 the pandemic was rough) when I was 16 I was still trash, but look how much that changed. I still have a lot to improve on yes, but time is very important to improving. Give yourself time. https://t.co/UI4noA4I0z

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WE ALL start somewhere it takes time and practice, dont listen to anyone, the road to improving never ends and u shouldnt ever give up
left: 2018/ right:2022

121 794

recently i kept thinking im not improving in my art then i saw this video i made on youtube just a year ago..

and im shocked at the side by side comparison with my recent post.

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fast forward from a bunch of practice to 2021 i started improving. taking tips on anatomy, how to draw hands, etc. aka my first encounter with the DSMP

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Such a sad, pathetic take. Had I listened to sumn like that, I'd kept myself from doing what I love. Improving in anything involves growing pains, by necessity. And no nobody can be the arbiter of that process, especially not you, punk

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Art done when I was 17 vs 19. Age does NOT matter with art. All that matters is the time and effort you put into improving. This is such a bad take.

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The only moments i've been improving was by trying out new stuff
(Yes i like drawing those beans killer)

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15 ish - 20 yrs

I’m so glad I continued and didn’t get put down for what I did even if it didn’t look the best. The important thing was that I had fun, I think a lot of people forget to have fun with their art. It’s not just about improving and learning all the time

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anyways shamelessly promoting myself
i'm mun and i'm a 14 y.o artist that just started drawing digitally barely a year ago. i am nowhere near good, but i am improving and learning everyday.
none of you should ever give up because of what shit people say about you, so keep going! https://t.co/3c1RwMAEtO

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People improve at their own pace. It’s not about whether your ‘good’ at something as long as you enjoy it. I started sharing art online at 15 and am still learning and improving 4 years later. If you love something then just have fun with it! (Art is from ages 15-19)

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i feel lucky that starting from the age of 12 to now 16, ive been able to improve a large amount, especially in the past year, but to diss others that are just starting/ not quickly improving is crappy.

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Well, no one’s gonna see this, but please don’t give up on art :( (2020 vs 2022). It’s so easy to be bullied out of having fun and improving, and I’m sure that’s been the death of so many awesome artists! Do your thing :3

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I heard there’s a stinky tweet goimg around saying that artists that aren’t good at around 17-18 should give up

this is my progress as an artist and i’m improving a lot so TAKE THAT, STINKY TWEET

15 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21

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There's a tweet going around saying that if you're not good at art by 17-18, then you should just give up.
That is a horrible take.
Make art because it makes you happy! It doesn't matter the pace that you're improving, just so long as you enjoy it. (1)

13 -> 18 -> 27 -> 31

22 55

People like you make artists quit. Art takes time and practice. I should know, I started drawing during that age.

For artists, never give up. Keep improving your art, enjoy what you love. https://t.co/EQRROwbV6w

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