93 - Haunter
Type: Ghost/Poison

It hides in the dark, planning to take the life of the next living thing that wanders close by.

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80 - Slowbro
Type: Water/Psychic

An attached SHELLDER won't let go because of the tasty flavor that oozes out of its tail.

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75 - Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground

It travels by rolling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.

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74 - Geodude
Type: Rock/Ground

Proud of their sturdy bodies, they bash against each other in a contest to prove whose is harder.

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73 - Tentacruel
Type: Water/Poison

When its 80 feelers absorb water, it stretches to become like a net to entangle its prey.

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70 - Weepinbell
Type: Grass/Poison

When it's hungry, it swings its razor-sharp leaves, slicing up any unlucky object nearby for food.

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Extra cartoon: Had a request for a Gen1 pony. I'm not sure I have any other than this demon spawn version in my Larchives, but I'll double check. It was part of a series of 4 demons. Smurfs, CareBears, Snorks and Ponies. Hope you enjoy :)

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61 - Poliwhirl
Type: Water

Though it is skilled at walking, it prefers to live underwater where there is less danger.

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60 - Poliwag
Type: Water

The swirl on its belly is its insides showing through the skin. It looks clearer after it eats.

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59 - Arcanine
Type: Fire

An ancient picture scroll shows that people were attracted to its movement as it ran through prairies.

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55 - Golduck
Type: Water

It swims gracefully along on the quiet, slow-moving rivers and lakes of which it is so fond.

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54 - Psyduck
Type: Water

The only time it can use its psychic power is when its sleeping brain cells happen to wake.

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48 - Venonat
Type: Bug/Poison

The small bugs it eats appear only at night, so it sleeps in a hole in a tree until night falls.

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46 - Paras
Type: Bug/Grass

The tochukaso growing on this POKéMON's back orders it to extract juice from tree trunks.

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43 - Oddish
Type: Grass/Poison

During the day, it stays in the cold underground to avoid the sun. It grows by bathing in moonlight.

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41 - Zubat
Type: Poison/Flying

During the day, it gathers with others and hangs from the ceilings of old buildings and caves.

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36 - Clefable
Type: Fairy

Said to live in quiet, remote mountains, this type of fairy has a strong aversion to being seen.

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35 - Clefairy
Type: Fairy

Though rarely seen, it becomes easier to spot, for some reason, on the night of a full moon.

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34 - Nidoking
Type: Poison/Ground

It uses its thick arms, legs and tail to attack forcefully. Melee combat is its specialty.

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33 - Nidorino
Type: Poison

It is easily agitated and uses its horn for offense as soon as it notices an attacker.

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