Was asked what the most underrated superhero comic is? It's Copra. No matter how much acclaim & momentum it gains it will always be Copra.

10 28

Along the way, I got lost...my momentum,K. Tnxbye.

0 0

"The Locket"
Tormentum meum, laetitia mea
from The Screaming Staircase

1 2

Happy These lovely endpapers are from "Argumentum anti-Normannicum" (1682)… https://t.co/cD4zHbe6eA

0 3

. and Obey are carrying momentum heading into the World Championship finals:


47 152

I've just finished Tormentum right now, and it just blew up my mind. What a masterpiece! Congrats guys

1 7

This is such a classic example of a jet streak rounding the base of a trough, conserving momentum, eventually leading to deep cyclogenesis.

12 43

Warm up Sketch no. 292! Getting my momentum back.

0 1

Before you can become a master, you have to grasp the basics.

1 4

Tormentun - Dark Sorrow from , one of the most amazing adventures I´ve played ever. An outstanding masterpiece !!!

1 2

요즘 팬아트가 하루하루 들어와서 무척 기쁩니다!
오늘은 Mentum님이 그려주신 팬아트!
맨발의 그녀를 멋지게 그려주셔서 감사합니다!
게임안에 멋지게 넣겠습니다!

1 4

Smol beans 🐱 A tiny sketch to keep that momentum going while I work on a bigger piece!

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Spin a web of pain as Tormentula Arachne! https://t.co/qA2UpfWqe4

61 179

Внезапно достала игру, которой так не хватало: Tormentum: Dark sorrow. Есть бесплатная Lite, если зайдет, то даже куплю полную.

2 4

Tormentum - Dark Sorrow хороший квест. Атмосферный, жуткий, красиво нарисованный и с необычной концовкой.

1 2

【詭弁のカタログ】無知に訴える論証 Argumentum ad lapidem

ある事柄が今のところ偽(真)と証明されていないことを根拠に真(偽)であることを主張する論法。 ある現象を現状の科学で説明できないことを根拠にして主張を展開する、疑似科学の御用達の論法のひとつ。

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Tormentum Dark Sorrow. Creepy villagers out to hunt.

3 12

Finished up that bit of fan-art. Going to try to keep the momentum and work on other things.

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