이번에 방영된 중폭사단의 신작 미애니 <인사이드 잡>이 넷플릭스 탑10에 들며 좋은 출발을 보였죠.

초기에 기획된 에피소드는 20편이라, 지금 공개된 10편 이후로 다른 10편이 곧 공개될 전망이라는 소식입니다!

<글리치테크> 때처럼 다른 시즌으로 분리시켜 나올것 같은데, 기대중!


48 51

wanted to draw some rowdy guys. everybody watch

345 2247

lawful good and chaotic neutral are about to co-run the shadow government together

73 363

this show is a lot of fun!! badass design and animation, Reagan may or may not be my new fictional crush

seriously tho someone gets this woman a girlfriend she needs one

13 98

Everyone, please watch it is pretty entertaining.

Made this art of Reagan Ridley.

0 8

There’s going to be more episodes of https://t.co/mIbjL4tN2Z

23 234

Cognito's got some fucked up creatures.

20 130

Someone on the sub Reddit just pointed this out!

OBVIOUSLY it's not a connection, a hint at something bigger or what not! Both shows are NOT connected to each other, bear that in mind! But that said, it is a clever little Easter egg to you know what.

18 147

i love her

Reagan Ridley of

8 41