Digital painting - Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Most Pure

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Queen Mary, crafted by Felix Scheinberger

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Now that Bernie has lost the primary, why not endorse Trump, just to spite Hillary.

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Digital painting - Mary, Queen Of Heaven

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Pour lire un extrait de Bloody Mary, c'est juste par là :

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【Team Mary,s】メンバー募集中です😊
一緒に二セコイとマリーを盛り上げましょう(๑ ˙˘˙)/

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マリーこと橘 万里花を応援する同盟グループ 【Team Mary,s】作りました\( ¨̮ )/

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Bloody Mary, votre nouvelle série Gothic pleine de vampires, et de jolis garçons, débarque en juin prochain !

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Today the Church celebrates Mary, the mother of God. We entrust 2016 to her maternal care & protection.

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i felt like posting a 2015 art summary, too!! it looks the same overall but it's still nice putting it all together✨

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2015 art summary,,, i rlly dont want to put 2013-14 with this cause its so bad.......

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Digital painting - Mary, Throne Of Wisdom

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Digital painting - Mary, Queen Of Heaven

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Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary, volume 3 / Shake-O ($12.99) On sale October 20!

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Today we celebrate the birthday of Our Lady; the dawn of our salvation!
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us.

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[Fanart] Mary, Seto, Kuroha

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NURSE HITOMI'S MONSTER INFIRMARY, vol.2 / Shake-O ($12.99) On sale June 23

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There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.

(シェイクスピア ハムレット)

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“Sweet mother Mary, sweet father Joseph, sweet Jesus …”

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