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Al tenim la major col·lecció d’obres del període adolescent de l’artista. Hi podeu veure pintures i dibuixos com aquest “Cavaller que saluda una dama” que va fer a la Corunya quan tenia 12 anys.

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Aunque no tenga el color característico de la época azul de el grabado “La comida frugal” presenta un tono humanista y melancólico que encaja perfectamente con las obras de ese periodo: https://t.co/ZurthP0KFv

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Here she is, was especially excited by her hair. Looking for a name for this one if anyone has any suggestions? Enjoy the day.

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Darkstalker in the graphic novel's style for ya'll

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Marie-Louise de Tassis,163 by Anthony van Dyck (his Flemish name) was born to prosperous parents in Antwerp. His father was Frans van Dyck, a silk merchant, and his mother was Maria, daughter of Dirk Cupers and Catharina Conincx.

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As John Richardson said, the portraits that made of his father are more than routine studies of a model. They show contradictory feelings such as a child's love, pride, pity and a mixture of guilt and redemption”.

Find out more: https://t.co/TYR6jyZbKB

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