32 - Nidoran♂
Type: Poison

It constantly moves its large ears in many directions in order to detect danger right away.

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29 - Nidoran♀
Type: Poison

Small and very docile, it protects itself with its small, poisonous horn when attacked.

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28 - Sandslash
Type: Ground

Adept at climbing trees, it rolls into a spiny ball, then attacks its enemies from above.

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19 - Rattata
Type: Normal

This Pokémon's impressive vitality allows it to live anywhere. It also multiplies very quickly.

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10 - Caterpie
Type: Bug

It crawls into foliage where it camouflages itself among leaves that are the same color as its body.

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9 - Blastoise
Type: Water

It firmly plants its feet on the ground before shooting water from the jets on its back.

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8 - Wartortle
Type: Water

Its long, furry tail is a symbol of longevity, making it quite popular among older people.

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7 - Squirtle
Type: Water

When it feels threatened, it draws its legs inside its shell and sprays water from its mouth.

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3 - Venusaur
Type: Grass/Poison

As it warms itself and absorbs the sunlight, its flower petals release a pleasant fragrance.

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I miss you Pikabean 😍💛💛💛

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2 - Ivysaur
Type: Grass/Poison

The bulb on its back grows as it absorbs nutrients. The bulb gives off a pleasant aroma when it blooms.

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You nailed it with Dragapult, it has that twirling pose with a smug face some gen1/gen2 fully evolved pokémon have which is incredibly fitting for that trickster dragon

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My husband told me that his big sister had a rabbit, and 2nd rabbit after the 1st one passed away.
She was really sad when her 1st rabbit died.
They’re both called “Poopoo”.
My husband calls them Poopoo Gen1 and Poopoo Gen 2.

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I love Transformers, I've just never drawn bots before: how's this for first attempt? Trying to keep to Gen1 style
Part of something bigger (if my idea works😅 eeep...)

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151 - Mew
Type: Psychic

Because it can learn any move, some people began research to see if it is the ancestor of all POKéMON.

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149 - Dragonite
Type: Dragon/Flying

It is said that somewhere in the ocean lies an island where these gather. Only they live there.

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147 - Dratini
Type: Dragon

It sheds many layers of skin as it grows larger. During this process, it is protected by a rapid waterfall.

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146 - Moltres
Type: Fire/Flying

Legendary bird POKéMON. It is said to migrate from the south along with the spring.

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145 - Zapdos
Type: Electric/Flying

Legendary bird POKéMON. They say lightning caused by the flapping of its wings causes summer storms.

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143 - Snorlax
Type: Normal

This POKéMON's stomach is so strong, even eating moldy or rotten food will not affect it.

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