Year 10 students creating thought-provoking repeat pattern wallpaper designs. Beautiful and decorative but with a powerful message about our impact on the environment

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Yukina and Laura: Stargazing in the countryside. Little light pollution means a wonderful and magical sight!

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Here is an example of those "almost complete overhaul" cases I just finished. The visual looks more like a jellyfish and a Reploid, although the color scheme her powers haven't been touched too much. She attacks with pollution stuff and can corrupt Reploids with her tentacles.

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La loutre de mer, le plus petit mammifère marin au monde, est en danger d'extinction.
Réputée pour avoir la fourrure la plus dense du monde, l'espèce est menacée par le commerce de la fourrure, la pollution de la mer, la pêche et le réchauffement climatique.

L'heure est grave.

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le des transports (pour 61% routier, 22% ferré, 17% aérien) ampute les Franciliens de 100.000 années de vie en bonne santé (en moyenne 10,7 mois en moins et jusqu'à 3 ans pour les plus exposés…)📢👂 PDF:

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Projet d'édition autour de la "trame noire" et des problématiques écologiques de la pollution lumineuse.

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The real Kumbh is internal, a ritual where etheric rivers and being coalesce. Instead of polluting our rivers, let's clean them, as the only one we ought to take a dip inside, resides within. ❄️

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Some doodles of Pollux in clothing because I kept seeing ads on Instagram

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So now we are really back to the nuclear weapons races.
Climate-crisis, pollution, migration, extinction,economical warfare... Geez, thank you Mr. Trump for the nice distraction and most interesting challenge - it really started to become somewhat boring on this precious marble.

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Mayu is releasing pollution I to the environment and should be fined for littering

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The news said that water drone are used to reduce the dust pollution in my city.. 😷😷
so here come the water drone ~

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Wave Frequency Emitted From A Polluted Mind

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UPDATE: it seems we have our answers! hootie the blue fish from smw2 is known in japanese as propeller piranha, so that's almost certainly what that one is. as for proto piranha, it's most likely the polluted piranhas from sunshine, for two reasons:

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A character for Happenstance. This guy is a bona fide gentleman wizard who can't stand to have all this undignified riff raff pollutin' the social circles.

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✨Starlight Night series - Pollux color✨


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The amount of on the bottom of the really is disgusting. What’s worrying me is just how many brands I can recognise from just a couple of words...

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"Biker Jasper"

"Greg, i'm borrowing the van to take the kids to our Mommy-N-Me classes.
Those stupid hens keep complaining the bike is 'noise pollution'."

Colorist: Me

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Indonesia has some of the worst polluted waters in the world, and today we experienced it first hand on a snorkelling trip. It was heartbreaking to see, under the water it was worse, fish eating plastic bags, coral reefs damaged. What have we done!😭#plasticpollution

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