Fungorum qui in Bavaria et Palatinatu circa Ratisbonam nascuntur icones, nativis coloribus expressae- Schffer, Jacob Christian, 1718-1790; Persoon, C. H. (Christiaan Hendrik), 1755-1837

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Fungorum qui in Bavaria et Palatinatu circa Ratisbonam nascuntur icones, nativis coloribus expressae- Schffer, Jacob Christian, 1718-1790; Persoon, C. H. (Christiaan Hendrik), 1755-1837

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My second attempt at creating from Been struggling with the best way to represent plant species native to the particular animal’s habitat without losing the cartoon elements of the

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It’s always a pleasure working on ‘Dino’ themed drawings! 🦕✨🌿⛏ Here’s the newest one I’ve done! ✨ Hope you enjoy!

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Birds' nests & eggs : with directions for preparing, stuffing, and mounting birds and animals : with thirteen engravings and diagrams, and a coloured illustration of the eggs of British pet eggs

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Water-color sketches of plants of North America and Europe 1888 June-1910 Sept

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Water-color sketches of plants of North America and Europe 1888 June-1910 Sept

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Water-color sketches of plants of North America and Europe 1888 June-1910 Sept

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Water-color sketches of plants of North America and Europe 1888 June-1910 Sept

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I created these illustrations for for her work on mobulid ray conservation. The work included paintings of all ten species plus bycatch and release digital drawings.

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Apparently it's Here are some drawings I use for my research!

Check out to see the amazing and this week!

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King bolete, wheat, Indian paintbrush, and some peonies for good measure!

Finding ways to put seemingly disparate elements has been an incredible exercise in and

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Mullein, a beautifully useful plant but an invasive plant nonetheless. Mullein, you’re a wild monster...

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A Look into our work process. The images can scale to a variety of sizes and may be re-used for more clients with the acquisition of a non-exclusive license.

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Today is the start of the 's Tweet Storm! Post a from your portfolio and share posts from other Should be a fun week. This is my illustration of D. melanogaster for 's research.

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If you spend any amount of time near marshes, wetlands, or field edges, you're very likely to find these warblers skulking about among the grasses and shrubs.

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