We can save tomorrow. Fight for the future. We do this together! The Land and the King are One. Let us drink from the Holy Grail and be Reborn!

Awesome artwork by Feel free to share!

5 12

What 158k now... 160k in sometime. Right
Damn guys

42 134

"They will race behind you, they will stumble, and fall ... But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time you will help them accomplish wonders.” - Jor El

The last day. ♦

13 24

Esto sería el boceto ✍️
¿Creéis que he puesto demasiado grande...la liga de la Justicia?

14 48

Look, I'm not opposed to the Snyder cut, but now those people are trying to "restore the Snyderverse" as DC movie continuity?

DISASTER. What we need is the GOOD version of DC;

1 2


Zack Snyder doesn't know what you mean!

268 940

Ben Affleck - Batman !!#RestoreTheSnyderVerse

1 8

Vamos por esa trilogía que hace años era imposible, hoy puedes ser real.

15 69

I see trending.

I'mma start mah own hashtag, I don't care if anybody uses it but me.



13 84

Tomorrow Fam, tomorrow we dine in the Snyderverse!

But is just the appetizer!

67 141

And to end this year on a soft note, some Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis hiding from the rain

19 81